Cancer Research Laboratory Program


Dr Koropatnick image

Message from James Koropatnick,PhD
Director, Cancer Research Laboratory Program


Housed on the fourth floor of the Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre and the adjoining Victoria Research Laboratory (VRL) tower at the London Health Sciences Centre, the Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre Cancer Research Laboratory Program provides resources for independent scientists to explore the basic elements of life that, when disrupted, lead to cancer. Our researchers study the many biological processes that contribute to controlling gene expression, and the events that cause appropriate control of genes in healthy human cells to go awry and allow cancer to develop. We address three questions:

  1. How do normal human cells live, grow, and die?
  2. What happens in the course of these events to allow cancers to arise?
  3. How can we use that knowledge to prevent, detect, and treat people with cancer?

Cancer research the world over critically depends on molecular oncology and genetics, and this is reflected in the research programs of each of our scientists. We strive to generate promising new knowledge and ideas, and for research to apply that knowledge to action in the clinic and the community. Our goal is to translate our most exciting and promising findings in the laboratory to novel treatments for patients in the clinic, early detection of cancers in individuals in the community, and useful information to allow all of us to avoid cancer in the future.


With the generous support of external funding agencies, the hospital, the university and the community, we are able to attract outstanding scientists to train the next generation of researchers. I encourage you to further explore this website to learn about the researchers, their projects, and their staff and trainees. The future is bright.


Dr. James Koropatnick

Director, Cancer Research Laboratory Program

Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre at the

London Health Sciences Centre

London, Ontario Canada