Type the text that you wish to search for into the box, choose how you want to apply the search by selecting from among the options given in the Search Type selection box, then press the Search button. Searches are not case-sensitive (eg. a given name search for jan would return Jan, Janet, Janice, etc).
Searches will return a maximum of 500 matches if one of the table result formats has been chosen (see search options), but there is no such restriction if the comma-delimited text result format has been chosen.
To show the entire directory, leave the Search for box empty and click the Search button. If you have chosen a table format, the search engine will override your choice and give you the "comma-delimited text" format.
Search Type:
Choose one of surname, given name, or department to restrict your
search specification (method 1, above) to that field, or choose all fields to
search in all fields.
Choose one of the phonetic options to apply a metaphone or double metaphone option
to your search. This is a modernized and improved "sounds like" algorithm,
similar to the familiar, but older, soundex method.
Format results as:
There are two result formats available:
The table options listed above can be modified in a number of ways:
Text size:
The size of text as it appears in the tables can be changed using this selection box. Adjusting it from "regular" (the default) to "small" or "smallest" allows you to get more information on the screen or printed page.
No head/foot:
Check this option to disable the display of the search summary, title, and footer that normally appear with the search results. This can be useful if you are trying to fit a search result onto a single printed page.
Wrap text:
Check this option to have text wrap inside table cells.
Show surnames first:
When this option is checked, names are displayed as Surname, Designation Given (eg. Smith, Dr. John).
When it is unchecked, names are displayed as Designation Given Surname (eg. Dr. John Smith).
Also display:
These checkboxes control whether the named fields appear in the table.