Help us improve LHSC’s Patient Rights and Responsibilities: Take our survey today

A health-care professional with red hair speaks to a patient in a medical examination room.

July 15, 2024

London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) is updating our Patient Rights and Responsibilities and renaming them to ‘Our Shared Commitments’ to better reflect our shared commitments to one another as patients and health-care providers.

The purpose of ‘Our Shared Commitments’ is to outline what we can do as patients and health-care providers to create a safe, inclusive and supportive environment for everyone to receive and provide care.

Our draft Shared Commitments are based on principles of people-centered care, which are about dignity, respect, information sharing, partnership, and participation for everyone involved in a person’s care, including patients, care partners, visitors and health-care professionals. They have been developed by Patient and Family Partners and the Patient Experience team, and now we’re seeking input from the community.

Please complete a short survey to give feedback on our proposed Shared Commitments. The survey will be open until Monday, July 29, at 11:59 p.m. ET.