Visiting LHSC

At LHSC, our commitment to patients is grounded in People-Centred Care. People-Centred Care is working with patients and care partners to plan, improve and provide care that is respectful, compassionate, culturally safe and competent. 

"People-Centred Care is an approach that consciously adopts individuals', carers', families' and communities' perspectives as participants in, and beneficiaries of, trusted health systems that are organized around the comprehensive needs of people." - Health Standards Organization (2019), Towards People-Centred Care Culture and Practice

As London, Ontario’s largest employer, London Health Science Centre is home to Children's Hospital, University Hospital, Victoria Hospital, the Kidney Care Centre, Byron Family Medical Centre, Victoria Family Medical Centre and 54 Riverview Avenue site. We are also home to the Verspeeten Family Care Centre, CSTAR (Canadian Surgical Technologies & Advanced Robotics) and two research institutes - London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute and Children's Health Research Institute. Our physicians, residents and staff number nearly 15,000 and, together, they provided care for more than one million patients last year.

As an acute care teaching hospital, we care for the most medically complex and critically ill patients in our region. Saving lives and changing lives - we are here when you need us.