Jason’s colon cancer experience: “The right support system can get you through.”

Jason Devison, colon cancer patient at LHSC

Jason Devison, colorectal cancer patient at LHSC

March 26, 2025

It was November 2015 when Jason Devison, age 39, went to the Emergency Department for symptoms that had become too much to take any longer. The dull, consistent lower abdominal pain and rectal bleeding were severe enough for him to be triaged quickly. He was then referred to a specialist at the Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) and scheduled for a colonoscopy.

“I had been feeling the pain and experiencing the bleeding off and on for about four or five years at this point, but I had shrugged it off as a minor issue,” explains Devison. “My symptoms started getting worse after I changed into a new job, and I felt that the symptoms had become disturbing enough to warrant immediate attention.”

In February 2016, Devison was diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

Diagnosis and treatment

“My wife had taken me to the clinic for the colonoscopy. We didn’t know what to expect, so she was grabbing a coffee, waiting for the appointment to be over when the doctors had to find her so they could share the news,” shares Devison. “They couldn’t even finish the scope because of the size of the tumor. We were shocked.”

Devison was sent for a CT scan very quickly after the colonoscopy to see if the cancer had spread.  

“I understandably wasn’t sleeping well, and I had an appointment with my family doctor a few days after the diagnosis to get something to help me sleep. At that appointment, my doctor already had the CT results, and it showed that even though the tumor was quite large, it had not spread. Which was a huge relief.”

A few days after he learned about the CT results, Devison met with a colorectal surgeon to discuss treatment.

“I mentioned that I was going to cancel a family trip we had booked to the Caribbean the next week and the surgeon told me to go – that I’ll receive a surgery date soon but to go on this vacation and enjoy my time with my loved ones,” Devison says.  

Devison’s treatment consisted of a resection – surgical removal of a portion of his large intestine – where the tumour was located. He did not need chemotherapy. He received the date of his surgery at University Hospital, LHSC the day after he arrived in the Caribbean and was able to enjoy the time with his family as best he could, knowing that when he returned, the tumour would be removed shortly after.

Following the surgery

Following the surgery, his colorectal surgeon continued surveillance for cancer recurrence over the next five years. He received regular colonoscopies and tests as a part of follow-up and as part of research. He was officially discharged in 2020 at the five-year mark since his diagnosis and now schedules a colonoscopy every five years for continued follow-up.

“I have a lengthy family history with cancer,” explains Devison. “So, I did genetic testing but there has been no linkage found. Even with that information, I continue to take care of myself.”

Devison notes that it’s about perspective for him – while his family has gone through a lot, they continue to support one another and, despite their cancer battles, they are all still grateful that everyone is still here.

Moving forward

“It was of course a stressful and shocking experience, but as time goes on, I think about it less and less. I have always been health-conscious, so I continue to make healthy choices. I try to think of myself, not as a victim, but as a champion of colorectal cancer. A positive perspective and the right support system can get you through,” Devison shares.  

Devison acknowledges that not a lot of people discuss their experiences or their symptoms for colorectal cancer. “I’m not sure if people think it’s taboo, but I talk about my experience because it’s important. The more you know, the more you can advocate for yourself and, if eligible, screen regularly.”

As Devison now approaches age 50, he is aware of the importance of screening for other people his age for early detection and prevention.

He now volunteers at an annual, national fundraising run/walk event from Colorectal Cancer Canada called Push for Your Tush. “I started volunteering during the pandemic when it was a virtual run, but I’ve seen it grow since we’ve returned to in-person. It’s something I’m passionate about. If you are of screening age, or if you have a family history, it’s a small portion of your time to screen, but it’s important.”

Devison continues to attend his follow-up colonoscopy appointments and remains grateful for the thorough and prompt response for his care at the Verspeeten at LHSC, for his support system and for the time he has been gifted to spend with his family.  

Learn more about eligibility and screening for colorectal cancer on the Cancer Care Ontario website