Preventing Acute Respiratory Infections: Actions to Protect

Washing hands in sink

October 17, 2024

Acute respiratory infections, such as influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus are leading causes of respiratory illnesses in communities worldwide, affecting individuals of all ages. These infections can quickly overwhelm healthcare systems, so it’s important that everyone works to safeguard patients, family and staff. By embracing infection preventative measures like self-screening, hand hygiene, masking, and physical distancing, we can protect patients and ourselves.

Prevent with Intent

We are encouraging everyone to take deliberate actions to minimize the risk of infection. This includes being proactive about safety practices, whether you're at home, work, or in a public space, like a hospital.

When patients and family members take intentional steps to prevent infection, you are contributing to a safer environment for everyone. By focusing on infection prevention, we can drastically reduce infection rates in our hospitals and the health-care system.

Self-Screening: If You Feel Unwell, Stay Home

One of the most critical yet often overlooked aspects of respiratory illness prevention is self-screening. If you are feeling unwell—whether you have a cough, fever, or shortness of breath—please postpone non-essential visits to the hospital. If your visit is essential, and you are feeling unwell, please consider masking when you arrive at the hospital. Masks are available at all entrances.  

Self-screening helps prevent the spread of infection to those who may be more vulnerable. A minor illness for one has the potential to significantly disrupt the health of more susceptible individuals.  

Hand Hygiene: A Simple and Effective Tool

Hand hygiene is one of the easiest, most effective ways to prevent the spread of respiratory illness and remains a cornerstone of infection prevention. Proper handwashing with soap and water, or using alcohol-based hand rub, removes viruses and bacteria responsible for respiratory infections. This simple habit can greatly reduce the risk of transferring germs from surfaces to you.

Masking: An effective means of preventing infection

One of the most visible measures in respiratory illness prevention is masking. Masking can significantly reduce the spread of the primary transmission route for many respiratory infections. At this time, LHSC does not require masking, but if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, they are available at all entrances.

Wearing a mask not only protects the wearer but also those around them, especially in crowded or enclosed spaces, like elevators. If a mask is not available when you’re in a public space, then respiratory etiquette practices like covering your cough or sneeze with your elbow or a tissue can reduce transmission. If using respiratory etiquette remember to practice hand hygiene after.

Physical Distancing: Maintaining Safe Spaces

Physical distancing is another measure in preventing the spread of respiratory illness. Keeping a safe distance from others, especially in crowded areas, reduces the likelihood and frequency of encountering infected respiratory droplets. This is especially important during flu season or in times of heightened respiratory illness outbreaks.

Everyone Is Needed: The Power of Collective Action

Respiratory illnesses are highly contagious, meaning one person’s actions can impact many others. That’s why it’s important for everyone to get involved. Being intentional in preventing the spread of respiratory illness is a shared duty. When everyone adopts protective behaviors like handwashing, PPE, and self-screening, the likelihood of infection lowers significantly.  

LHSC is celebrating Infection and Prevention Control Week from October 15 to 18. Let’s work together and prevent with intent to have a safe Fall.