November 15, 2022
Take Our Kids to Work Day was a virtual event for the first time ever this year; and while it was a different experience for staff and their grade nines than the in-person event that was organized pre-pandemic, it was an engaging and information-filled day.
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic response, the virtual event was organized as an opportunity for grade nine students of LHSC staff and physicians to learn more about future career opportunities in health care at LHSC, and to protect the health and safety of presenters and attendees as COVID-19 continues to circulate.
On Wednesday, November 2, presentations were shared from 24 departments across the organization that inspired and informed grade nines about the multitude of career opportunities within LHSC that range from clinical, patient-facing roles such as in Pharmacy and Medical Imaging, as well as behind the scenes roles in departments such as Facilities Management, CSTAR and Data Analytics.
The information was shared using engaging mediums such as polls, answering questions in live chat, videos and images in the slides to showcase equipment used across the hospitals, behind-the-scenes content of what it’s like to work in various areas and descriptive presentations about the role responsibilities and the variety of education and career pathways that can lead someone to work at LHSC.
Direction on the education required to reach certain career goals, an estimated rate of pay for the jobs within LHSC, and information on what a day-in-the-life looks like for these various roles will help guide students’ decisions about their future careers.
It was a pleasure to host this group and we wish them well in their continued education journeys.