Patients, Families & Visitors

Introduction to the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit

Patients in the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit (also called the CSICU) are those who have had heart surgery. This would include coronary artery bypass grafting or 'bypass surgery,' repair or replacement of a heart valve or a heart transplant.

After heart surgery, patients come to the CSICU because they have their breathing assisted by a machine (ventilator) and their heart supported with a variety of specialty drugs.

A specialty-trained nurse and respiratory therapist will closely monitor the heart surgery patient. Specially trained doctors and nurses are present in the CSICU and make decisions for the patients’ care. A doctor remains in the CSICU 24 hours a day.

Contact the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit

If you would like additional information about the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit (CSICU), please contact us at:

Mailing Address:
Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit
London Health Sciences Centre
University Hospital
339 Windermere Road
London, ON, N6A 5A5

Telephone: 519-685-8500 Extension: 36661

Maps and Directions: 

Please visit the corporate section of our site for driving directions, parking and a detailed site map of University Hospital. 

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