Can We Help?

FEMAP can help you if you are:

FEMAP is involved in scientific research to better understand mood and anxiety symptoms. You can contribute by participating in research.

There are two ways you can access help at FEMAP:

  1. Being recommended by a health practitioner (e.g. a family doctor, counselor, mental health specialist)
  2. Self-referral - you can contact us directly!

If you have addictions to alcohol and/or marijuana and/or other recreational drug FEMAP is available to help you as well, but you may also be referred to an addictions program.

What to Expect:

When you make your first call to the First Episode Mood and Anxiety Program (FEMAP) you will speak with someone on our reception team. You will be asked a few basic questions on the phone and your eligibility for our program will be determined at this time.

If you are eligible you will be sent, by e-mail, an intake package of questionnaires to complete on your own time. Once you have completed them you will be contacted to schedule an appointment.

Your appointment will be scheduled following your first phone call. This meeting will involve a more detailed look at what you are currently experiencing (an informal conversation as well as symptom checklists).

If our program is a good fit for you, an appointment will be made with one of our treatment providers. If it appears that another program in London would be of greater benefit to you, we will help with that process, if you want us to.

Your first appointment with one of our doctors will consist of discussing your concerns and beginning to develop a plan to help you.

There is no specified number of sessions you will have with our doctors. This will depend upon your interest, motivation and clinical needs.

It is the expectation (not requirement) that FEMAP patients will volunteer to participate in studies of the nature, causes of and best way to serve our future patients. Only through such volunteerism will we be able to progress towards better care of individuals with mood and anxiety concerns.


Phone: 519-646-6000 extension 65178


For more information on community services available to youth, please see available community resources on the Connex Ontario website.