Home Respiratory and Ventilatory Care (HRVC)

Central to our care has been the establishment of an outpatient process designed to regularly follow individuals requiring chronic ventilator care (either invasive or non-invasive) and those ‘at risk’ of developing respiratory failure.

The clinic provides regular, inter-professional, proactive planned visits that incorporate patient goals to help ventilator-assisted individuals maintain optimal health. The purpose of the clinic is to the following services:

In-patient (University Hospital only)

  • Consultative support for HRVC clinic patients admitted to University Hospital
  • Consultation service to support patients with pre-existing mechanical support, or patients in whom consideration is being given for initiation of home chronic mechanical ventilator support (non-invasive or invasive). 
  • Consultation service to support chronically tracheostomized patients admitted to hospital or those who will transition home with a tracheostomy placed during their hospitalization.
  • Consultative support for patients chronically using technology for respiratory secretion clearance or for those who are initiated on this support in hospital and will be transitioned home with this technology.


To provide out-patient support for the population of patients followed in the HRVC clinic including:

  • patients with neuromuscular disease, acquired or congenital with respiratory failure or at risk for respiratory failure (in collaboration with Neurology).
  • complex medically fragile patients requiring ventilator support or at risk for respiratory failure including those with kyphoscoliosis, diaphragmatic weakness/paralysis, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injury.
  • complex medically fragile patients requiring technological assistance with respiratory secretion clearance.
  • the technologies supported include mechanical ventilation: non-invasive, invasive and mouth-piece ventilation, as well as cough assist devices.
    o    long term tracheostomy care

Contact Information

Medical Director: Dr Ron Butler

Manager: Steve McFadden

Program Director: Joseph Gajasan