Training and Research

Practicum Opportunities

LHSC provides training to graduate-level psychology students from Western University and the University of Windsor during Practicum Match Day. Students may be considered outside of Practicum Match Day and students from other accredited universities may be considered as well.

If you have questions, please contact: 

Dr. Abirami Kandasamy, C.Psych.
Academic Practice Consultant, Health Disciplines

Pre-Doctoral Residency in Clinical Psychology

The London Health Sciences Centre is proud to be the host of the London Clinical Psychology Residency Consortium, a collaboration among a number of agencies in the London area including LHSC Psychology, Psychology services at St. Joseph's Health Care, and the Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI).

The London Clinical Psychology Residency Consortium provides full year residency opportunities to Ph.D students in their final year of Clinical Psychology training. The program is accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association and attracts students from across the country. Click below for further information on our Pre-Doctoral Residency program and application information.


Psychologists are highly trained researchers. Many LHSC Psychologists collaborate with researchers and students at Western University and other institutions such as Lawson Health Research Institute and Robarts Research, as well as publish research in scientific journals. Some examples of research projects and recent publications are listed below. 

Research Projects

New Research projects and opportunities will be posted as they become available. 

Recent Publications

Eichstedt, J.A., Singh, D., Singh, Chen. S, Collins, K. A. & Cawthorpe, D. (in press). Who Should Be Seen When? Establishing Wait Time Benchmarks for Children’s Mental Health. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health.  

Park, A.H., Protopopescu, A., Pogue, M.E., Boyd, J.E., O’Connor, C., Lanius, R.A., & McKinnon, M.C. (2021). Dissociative symptoms predict severe illness presentation in Canadian public safety personnel with presumptive post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12(1), 1–12.

Butt, P., White-Campbell, M., Canham, S., Dowsett Johnston, A.A., Indome, E.O., Purcell, B., Tung, J., & Van Bussel, L. (2020). Canadian guidelines on alcohol use disorder among older adults. Canadian Geriatric Journal, 23(1), 143-148.  

Rodger, S., Bird, R., Price, E., Hibbert, K., Johnson, A., Specht, J. & Wathen, N. (2020). Initial Teacher Education and Trauma and Violence Informed Care in the Classrooms: Results from a Preliminary Online Teacher Education Course. Psychology in the Schools.  

MacDougall, A., Price, E., Bird, R., Vandermeer, M. R., Carr, J., Anderson, K. K., & Norman, R. M. (2020). Reactions to Mindfulness Intervention in an Early Psychosis Program. Journal of Recovery in Mental Health, 3(1), 4-22.  

Massot-Tarrus, A., White, K. P., Mousavi, S. R., Hayman-Abello, S., Hayman-Abello, B., Mirsatari, S. M. (2020). Concordance between fMRI and Wada test for memory lateralization in temporal lobe epilepsy: A meta-analysis and systemic review. Epilepsy and Behavior, 107,  

Chovaz, C.J, Rennison, V.L., & Chorostecki, D.O (2019) The Validity of the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) with Deaf Individuals. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2019.1696408  

Martin, C.B., Mirsattari, S.M., Pruessner, J.C., Burneo, J.G., Hayman-Abello, B.A., & Köhler, S. (2019). Relationship between déjà vu experiences and recognition- memory impairments in temporal-lobe epilepsy, Memory, DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2019.1643891  

Bird, R., & Rodger, S. Standing on the Front-line of School Mental Health: Building on Capacity in Teachers Through Mental Health Literacy and Trauma-and-Violence-Informed-Care (poster). International Child Psychopathology Conference, London, England, July 22nd-24th 2019. 

Mikail, S.F., & Nicholson, I.R. (2019). The National Summit on the Future of Professional Psychology Training: Overview and recommendations. Canadian Psychology, 60, 228-241.    

Mikail, S.F., & Nicholson, I.R. (2019). A vision-based future for Canadian professional psychology training/La formation en psychologie professionnelle: pur une vision     orientee ver l’avenir. Psynopsis, 41(1), 4-7.    

Nicholson, I.R. (2019). Concerns about the future of hospital psychology. Psychologists in Hospital and Health Centres Newsletter, 7(2), 1, 3-4.    

Massot-Tarrus, A., Mousavi, S.R., Dove, C., Hayman-Abello, S., Hayman-Abello, B., Derry, P. A., Diosy, D.C., McLachlan, R. S., Burneo, J.G., Steven, D.A., & Mirsattari, S.M. (2016). Coprolalia as a manifestation of epileptic seizures. Epilepsy & Behavior, 60, 99-106.