CERVICAL SPINE; C-SPINES; SPINE PRECAUTIONS The Cervical Spine , or " C-Spine " includes the first 7 bones (called vertebrae) of the spinal column (Image 1). The spinal cord is the large bundle of nerves that communicates information between the brain and the body. The vertebrae creates a long space...
STABLE Stable is a term that is often used to describe a patient whose condition is unchanged. Stable means "staying the same". While stable means "no worse than before", we often describe patient's as stable when they are on maximum life-support. If there blood pressure and heart rate is stable, we...
SKIN BREAKDOWN; PRESSURE ULCERS; DECUBITUS ULCERS Critically ill patients are at risk for many complications. Lying in bed can put pressure on the skin, especially in areas where bones are close to the surface (such as the tailbone and heels). Pressure cuts of the blood flow to the capillaries, the...
SYNCHRONIZED INTERMITTENT MECHANICAL VENTILATION; SIMV Synchronized Intermittend Mandatoryl Ventilation (SIMV) describes a method of providing mechanical breaths to a patient. An "SIMV of 12" means that the patient is getting 12 guaranteed (mandatory) breaths per minute from the ventilator. In the...
PRESSURE MONITORING In the critical care unit, we measure many different pressures within the body to help monitor the patient's condition. The most common type pressure monitoring is arterial pressure monitoring. The pressure in the right side of the heart, called CVP , is also measured frequently...