Visiting a Patient

Due to Measles, new visiting restrictions are in place at Children's Hospital and in our Women's Care program. Click here for more information. 

Visiting Guidelines

Children’s Hospital is committed to working with patients and families to provide compassionate, high-quality care. We believe it is important for patients to experience the support of family and friends.

  • Visiting is based on the condition, care needs, and expressed wishes of each patient in the unit.
  • For this reason, visiting times may vary between patients and units. We ask, when visiting, to check with unit staff about optimal visiting times.
  • Visiting may be interrupted to provide appropriate patient care.
  • Visiting will be restricted to protect the privacy rights of other patients or to maintain safety and security.
  • Family members supporting a patient between the overnight hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. are asked to remain in the patient’s room and advise unit staff when coming to and leaving the unit.
  • Please remember to wash your hands or use hand gel sanitizer before and after visiting.
  • To help protect the health of our patients and staff, do not visit if you are sick or have been feeling sick in the last week.

If you have any questions please speak with the unit staff.

Patient Information

To inquire about the location of a patient or their telephone number, call the Patient Information Desk at: 519-667-6619


The following will give you suggestions on where you park that is closest to your child’s doctor’s office or test location.

See our detailed site map (PDF)

  • Parking Lots P1 and P2 – off of Commissioners Road across from Admitting and Zones A, C and D
  • Parking Lot P3 – off of Commissioners Road, south of Zone E
  • Parking Lot P7 - off of Baseline Road, north of Zone E
  • Parking Lot P8 (Garage 1) - off Baseline Road, Dagone Drive, west of B Tower

Parking Costs:

  • $4.00 for the first hour, $2.00 for each additional half hour, up to a maximum of $12.00
  • Passes are available from attendant in booth, open:
    • 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Monday - Friday
    • 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday
    • 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday (passes may be purchased at the Parking Office)
  • Passes are available:
    • Daily $14.00 (valid until midnight of day purchased)
    • Weekly $45 - valid 24/7
    • Monthly $75 - valid 24/7

Parking Office:

  • Room 105 Lot P8, parking garage lower level
  • 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

Please note that parking rates are current as of June 21, 2011 but are subject to change.

Handicap Spaces:

Available in all parking lots and at admitting and discharge areas located at Zone E, Westminster Tower.

Family Parking Meters

  • Available in the Emergency parking lot with priority assigned for families with small children.
  • There are also a limited number of meters available in the visitors lot located south of Zone E, Westminster Tower.
  • Look for the signs indicating reserved for families with small children who are going to the Paediatric Medical Day Unit.

Where to Stay in London

Here’s a list of several nearby hotels in London.

Latex Balloons

Latex balloons are not permitted at the hospital. Foil balloons are allowed. Please check with the nurses’ station before sending or bringing them to the unit.