What to Expect

What to Expect

Before your visit

You will have to visit your family physician or other healthcare provider for a referral to our program. We will send your provider the referral forms. One form will need to be completed by the health care provider, and one form will need to be completed by the youth and caregivers. These forms will help us learn more about you. Please indicate if you have any accessibility requirements (interpreter, barrier-free space, etc.).  Both forms will need to be completed in full and returned to us before we can schedule your first appointment. We will send you a letter confirming your first appointment and your Health Care Provider. We may have some further questions before your initial appointment where a social worker might call you.

Your first visit

Your first visit will be an assessment which will allow you to meet with several different members of our team. Depending on your individual needs you may meet with a nurse, nurse practitioner, peer mentor, social worker and/or psychotherapist. The goal of this meeting is for our team to get to know you, where you are on your gender pathway, and to understand how best we can support you. With your permission, a physical exam may be part of this assessment.

What you need to bring:

  • Your health card
  • A list of any medications you are currently taking
  • A list of any questions you have

While not required, we encourage you to bring a family member or friend with you for support. 

Please be aware that we very rarely prescribe medication on your first visit. The goal of the visit is to get to know you and begin to form a treatment plan with you and your support person.

After your initial appointment

After your initial appointment, we will use the information we’ve learned in our first meeting and work with you to develop a treatment plan that is specific to your needs. From there, next steps may include discussions of medication, or subsequent appointments with some (or all) of our multi-disciplinary team. We will also connect you with helpful local and online resources, both for yourself as our patient, and your support person.

Your journey as you continue to adult care

As you progress into adulthood, our team will work with you to transition into appropriate adult care in your region. Our team will connect with your new care team to ensure a smooth transition of care.