How to Make a Referral to Cancer Genetics:
Referrals can be made by sending our completed referral form by fax to 519-685-8005. Indications for a referral are included on the second page of the referral form.
If a referral is due to a known genetic variant in a family and the person being referred has a medical record(s) confirming this, please forward the record(s) with the referral. At minimum, we will need the full name, date of birth and relationship of the family member to your patient (maternal aunt, paternal cousin, etc.) with the genetic variant.
All individuals referred to our clinic will be asked to complete a personal and family history questionnaire. This information is a very important part of your patient’s risk assessment. These forms will be sent to your patient after receipt of a referral, or you may download the forms here and ask your patient to complete them and send them along with your referral.
Cancer Personal History Questionnaire
Cancer Family History Questionnaire
The Cancer Genetics clinic supports people with or without cancer who are identified as being at risk of having an inherited form of cancer. Cancer genetic services help individuals and families learn about and make decisions regarding how to best manage their risk for cancer.
Approximately 5-10% of cancers are hereditary, resulting from a genetic variant that is inherited from a biological parent. Genetic counselling is the process of helping people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological and familial impacts of these genetic contributions to disease. The clinicians who provide cancer genetic counselling are experts in the field of hereditary cancer and perform the following:
- conduct assessments of future cancer risk
- provide genetic counselling
- arrange genetic testing, if appropriate, and explain results
- make recommendations for prevention, early detection and surveillance
- make referrals to other providers to receive treatment, surveillance and follow-up care
Cancer Genetics services in Ontario are guided by the Ontario Health Provincial Genetics Program (OH-PGP). Evidence-based clinical guidelines have been developed for health care providers on genetic testing and genetic services. Genetics Guidelines | Ontario Health
High-Risk Ontario Breast Screening Program (Hi-Risk OBSP):
The Cancer Genetics Clinic also provides support to the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) by providing personalized breast cancer risk assessments for women who are referred to the High-Risk Screening branch of this program. Women who are between 30-69 years of age are deemed eligible for the High-Risk Screening program (annual mammography and annual breast MRI) if their lifetime breast cancer risk is calculated by a genetics heath professional to be >25%.
If you are a physician who would like your patient to be considered for the OBSP High-Risk Screening Program, please fax a referral using the form below to your closest OBSP location. For more information about this program, see Breast Cancer Screening for Women at High Risk – Cancer Care Ontario.