Abstract Submission 2024
The Department of Midwifery welcomes any submissions related to midwifery research, innovative clinical programs, leadership, and interprofessional collaboration. We want to hear from you and showcase your work!

Requirements for Abstract Submission
All abstracts must be submitted as a Word Document or PDF according to the following format:
- Maximum word count: 500 words
- Title
- Authors
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- The presenters' names, roles, affiliated midwifery practices, institutions or academic centers.
A short bio for each presenter that can be presented on the conference day if accepted.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the committee to ensure that the topic of the submission is consistent with the scope of the topics covered at the conference.
Once the abstracts are accepted, at least one of the authors must register for and present at the conference.
Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged via email within two weeks of submission.
Please direct questions and abstract submissions to meagan.furnivall@lhsc.on.ca by June 30th, 2024, at 5 pm.