Department of Midwifery Leadership Team

In 2020, the Department of Midwifery, with support from the Children’s Health Foundation and London Health Science Centres (LHSC), expanded its Department with the addition two positions focused on supporting teaching and research for Midwives. This investment has led to a strong midwifery presence that has been focusing on programs/projects that improves the experience of pregnancy, outcomes and newborn health.  

The Department of Midwifery is comprised of three Leadership Team Members:  

  • Katelyn Fisher, Midwifery Executive Lead
  • Lauren Columbus, Academic Practice Lead and
  • Meagan Furnivall, Research Lead

The Leadership Team

Midwifery Department Head - Katelyn Fisher 

Katelyn Fisher, Midwifery Department Head at LHSC
Image: Katelyn Fisher, Midwifery Department Head at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC)

Katelyn Fisher is the Head of the Midwifery Department at LHSC and a Registered Midwife with Midwives of Midwives of Middlesex and Area. She is also an adjunct clinical professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry as well as McMaster University.  

Her areas of research and academic interest include quality assurance and quality improvement, interprofessional collaboration and effective leadership models.  

Contact information: 
Telephone: 519-685-8500 Extension: 52112 
Office: B Tower, B5-240, Victoria Hospital 

Academic Practice Lead - Lauren Columbus 

 Lauren Columbus, Academic Practice Lead with the Department of Midwifery at LHSC
Image: Lauren Columbus, Academic Practice Lead with the Department of Midwifery at London Health Sciences Centre

Lauren Columbus is the Academic Practice Lead with the Department of Midwifery and a Registered Midwife with the T.I.M.E. Program Expanded Midwifery Care Model at London Health Sciences Centre. She is also an adjunct clinical professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, as well as McMaster University. She is currently completing her thesis for her Masters of Health Professions Education at Maastricht University.  

Her areas of research and academic interest include quality assurance and quality improvement, simulation, team dynamics in birthing units, psychological safety in interprofessional teams, and improving Fetal Health Surveillance performance. 

Lauren’s role in the department is to support members’ education, teaching and policies.  

Contact information: 

Research Lead - Meagan Furnivall 

Meagan Furnivall, Clinical Research Lead for the Department of Midwifery at London Health Sciences Centre
Image: Meagan Furnivall, Clinical Research Lead for the Department of Midwifery at London Health Sciences Centre

Meagan Furnivall RM MSc is the Clinical Research Lead for the Department of Midwifery at London Health Sciences Centre and is a Registered Midwife at Talbot Creek Midwives.

Meagan's research interests involve improving the human experience of pregnancy and childbirth. Meagan research explores skin-to-skin contact in cesarean section, shared decision-making, interprofessional collaboration, medical innovation, and midwifery burnout.  

Meagan’s role is to provide support regarding the initiation of a Research Program for department members.  

Contact Information: 