Meet an LHSC Nurse
Nursing at LHSC has a long tradition of excellence in patient care, education and research, which we value. We live in a time of great challenge, change and emphasis on creating healthy, supportive work environments for all health-care professionals. Our tradition serves as a valued foundation to meet these challenges today and tomorrow.
LHSC nurses play a vital role in our ability to deliver quality patient- and family-centred care. Through our collaborative practice model of care and Nursing Professional Practice Council, nurses are professional partners on interdisciplinary teams and contribute significantly to organizational change and to enhancing the quality of their practice.
Many exciting projects have been implemented and/or are underway to build a positive work environment that promotes professional practice and ongoing professional development for nurses. Some of these activities include: our staffing and scheduling project, professional practice model implementation, enhanced orientation and mentoring program, computerized order-entry project, and retention and recruitment initiatives.
Our nurses and their unfailing dedication to excellence are one of the reasons that London Health Sciences Centre and Children's Hospital of Western Ontario continue to lead the way as providers of adult and children's health care, and that we carry out our mission.
At London Health Sciences Centre, we're proud of our dedicated nursing team, and we would like you to meet some of the nurses who have recently joined our team, and who wish to share their personal experiences with you.
These are only some of the highly skilled nurses who help make LHSC an organization you will want to join - for all the right reasons.
Click on the photo to learn more about some of our nurses.
Together we care, we learn, we discover.