In order to comply with health requirements as set out in the Public Hospitals Act, other applicable law, or LHSC policies, prior to coming on-site to LHSC:
- The student must obtain immunizations/blood work, TB tests and documentation as required (any costs incurred are the responsibility of the student);
- The school/educational institution must ensure that the requirements are fulfilled before the Student's anticipated start date.
Student Affairs Health Screening Checklist (For your reference only and meant to assist with the collection of your health requirements.)
Students who are diagnosed with a medical condition (before or during placement) that could pose a risk to themselves or others (i.e. injury that requires the use of an assistive device, an allergy, immune-compromised status, psychological or emotional based illnesses, etc.) should contact the School for their fitness to be on placement to be assessed and to address any accommodation issues.
A. Tuberculosis Surveillance:
You must have documentation of a previous negative 2-step TB skin test.
For positive TB test reactors, a chest x-ray completed within the last 12 months and a copy of the x-ray report is required. Anyone with a confirmed positive TB test and who has not received counselling or advice concerning prophylactic treatment, should be referred for an expert consultation by their treating practitioner. Those who have received counselling or advice concerning prophylactic treatment should provide a copy of their consult note.
If a Student has a TB contact while at LHSC or St. Joseph’s, surveillance by LHSC or St. Joseph’s will include TB skin testing at time of exposure and 3 months thereafter.
- If one of the tests has not been completed within the past 12 months, you require an additional single TB test.
- If you have documentation of a single negative TB skin test within the past 12 months, then you should receive an additional single TB test.
- If you have never been tested, or do not have documentation of a previously negative 2-step, then a 2-step TB test is needed.
B. Immunization Status- Vaccination Requirements:
You will need proof of being vaccinated or if applicable, proof of blood work titres to confirm your immune status.
All Students are recommended to be double vaccinated with a covid-19 vaccine in order to be considered fit to be on placement.
Hepatitis B
It is strongly recommended that all healthcare workers receive a course of Hepatitis B vaccine. For your protection, it is important to obtain a Hepatitis B antibody titre following immunization to ensure that you are adequately protected. If you have been vaccinated then you must provide laboratory report of your antiHbs level. This is in case you are exposed to blood or body fluids. We need this information in order to understand the appropriate course of action to take in managing your exposure.
Between October 1 and March 31, all students are recommended to be vaccinated with the recommended influenza vaccine in order to be considered fit to be on placement.
If the vaccine is available prior to placement:
Students must be vaccinated prior to the placement. The vaccine must be received at least 14 days prior to the placement commencing (it generally takes 14 days from the date a person is vaccinated for the person to become protected). Students will obtain the vaccine via public clinics or their own care provider.
If the vaccine is not available prior to placement:
Students will receive the vaccine as soon as possible when it does become available (and no later than 3 weeks from the date of release) and students can receive vaccines at one of the LHSC clinics. LHSC Occupational Health & Safety Services will offer vaccines to students on-site for placement at the time the vaccine is made available, and will be offered according to the vaccination schedule for employees in the applicable area.
Any student with a bona fide medical contraindication to receiving the vaccine shall notify their School Placement Coordinator, School Clinical Instructor, or other School contact (as applicable) prior to commencing placement so that any accommodation issues can be addressed.
Meningitis Vaccine
If you are a Medical Laboratory Sciences/Technology (MLT) student doing a placement in Microbiology you should receive the Meningitis Conjugate Vaccine that protects you from sub-types A, C, Y and W135.
You require 2 doses of mumps containing vaccine with the dose being given on or after your 1st birthday and the second dose given at least 4 weeks from the first dose OR laboratory evidence of immunity.
Red Measles
You require 2 doses of measles containing vaccine with the first dose being given on or after your 1st birthday and the second dose given at least 4 weeks from the first dose OR laboratory evidence of immunity
You require 1 dose of rubella containing vaccine, given on or after your 1st birthday OR laboratory evidence of immunity.
Recommended every ten (10) years. If it is more than ten (10) years since your last booster, it is recommended you be vaccinated. If you have not yet received a 1 time adult or adolescent dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis, you should receive this instead of the Tetanus/Diphtheria (See below for further information).
Tetanus/ Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap)
You require a onetime dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis booster.
Varicella (Chickenpox)
You require proof (i.e. physician’s certificate or vaccination record) of being vaccinated with Varicella vaccine 2 doses at least 28 days apart if received at 13 years or older OR proof of blood work which confirms the individual is protected (immune).
N95 Fit Testing:
- Respirator mask fit testing is completed prior to clinical placement. Bring documentation to placement of the N95 Respirator on which you have obtained a fit.
- Acceptable N95 Respirators for testing are: 3M 1860, 1860s, 1804, and 1870+
- The fit testing must be within two years of the date of the clinical placement period.
- International Students can access LHSC’s Fit Testing Services and can arrange fit testing by contacting LHSC Occupational Health and Safety Services at
- High School Co-op Students are exempt from N95 fit testing. The student and their LHSC Placement Supervisor must sign the High School Co-op N95 Exemption Form (available through Student Affairs)