Collaborative Practice Rounds

Collaborative Practice Rounds was designed to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare in a hospital setting. The collaborative efforts of our LHSC team are showcased in these presentations through a variety of topics such as family meetings and code responses. 

This program takes place quarterly in Auditorium C at University Hospital and is open to all learners on placement at LHSC. These events are communicated through our E-cast, as well as in NirvSystem. There is no sign up required for these events. 

These presentations allow students an opportunity to gain perspective into the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare in a hospital setting, as well as engage with and learn from those in other disciplines. Collaborative Practice Rounds aims to introduce learners to the circle of care within LHSC that produces excellent patient centered care. It is our goal that learners gain insight into how their future career will fit into a broader picture of hospital healthcare. 

For questions about the program, dates, or for facility who are interested in presenting, please reach out to Carlie Brooks via email at 

Past Collaborative Practice Round Events

  • Family Meetings
  • Code Blue