High School Co-op

The Office of Learner Affairs is happy to announce a new formalized High School Co-op Program! This program launched in January 2024 with the purpose of providing eligible high school students learning opportunities across the various disciplines and departments at LHSC, sparking a passion for a career in healthcare. The Office of Learner Affairs will be providing opportunities for Fall, Winter, and Summer cohorts, so please keep an eye out for when applications open, or send an email to Student_Affairs@lhsc.on.ca to request more information!

Our team is currently working on co-op opportunities for the Fall (2024) with applications opening on August 5th

Student Application Form Link will be added here on August 5th

Fall 2024 Timeline:

August 5th - Applications Open to Students

August 25th - Student Application Deadline

August 26th - 30th - LHSC Application Review & Interview Period

August 30th - Student Selection Deadline

September 3rd - Successful Applicants Notified 

New Process:
