If you require a general anesthetic, this requires intubation, which creates additional risk so partners/support persons will be asked to wait until you are in the recovery area to see you and your baby(ies). Please know that our team will do the very best they can to provide support to you during this challenging and important time.
- When to Come to the Hospital – Pregnancy Concerns or Labour
- What to Bring to the Hospital
- Map to Women's Care areas
- Car Seat Installation and Safety
- Watch our YouTube video Playlist, Birthing at LHSC's Women's Care Program, or choose individual videos to watch.
It is important that you have arranged a doctor to see your baby after you leave hospital, within 2 – 3 days. If you do not have a family doctor or Paediatrician to take on your baby’s care please make your doctors and nurses at the hospital aware.
Having a Baby at London Health Sciences Centre - Handbook
Picture tour