


  • A macrolide antibiotic primarily used in neonates for the treatment of infections caused by Chlamydia, Pertussis and Ureaplasma

Dosage Guidelines

  • General dosing for susceptible infection: 10 – 20 mg/kg/dose ORAL once daily x 5 days
  • Pertussis Treatment or post-exposure prophylaxis: 10 mg/kg/dose ORAL once daily x 5 days
  • Chlamydia conjunctivitis or Chlamydia pneumonia: 20 mg/kg/dose ORAL once daily x 3 days
  • Ureaplasma respiratory eradication in extremely low gestation newborns: 20 mg/kg/dose ORAL once daily x 3 days


  • Oral

Adverse Effects

  • Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, feeding intolerance
  • Prolonged Q-T interval on ECG
  • Cholestatic jaundice
  • Ototoxicity


  • Azithromycin may inhibit caffeine metabolism.  Monitor for tachycardia and reduce caffeine dose by 25-50% if present
  • Monitor liver function tests, CBC with differential
  • Monitor for infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (most common symptoms are forceful projectile vomiting and persistent hunger)

Supplied As:

40 mg/mL oral suspension


LexiComp Sick Kids