What do I need to know about my baby’s car seat?
- Ask your baby’s nurse if you need to buy a different car seat for your premature baby. Pamphlets are available in the waiting room area about safe travel and suggested car seats for babies going home, who weigh less than 5 pounds at discharge.

- Your car seat must have a CMVSS sticker and not be expired.
- If your car seat is used, it is important to know that the car seat has not been involved in an accident.
- A safety specialist is available for consultation before discharge. We recommend that you read your car manual and your car seat manual for proper car seat installation in your vehicle.
Regional Injury Prevention Program Care Seat Checks
Offering Three Methods:
- In-Person
- Video conferencing
- Over the phone
Contact information:
- Email: trauma@lhsc.on.ca
- Telephone: 519-685-8500
- Extension: 56041
- Extension: 77074