calcium gluconate

calcium gluconate


  • Treatment of neonatal hypocalcemia 
  • Treatment of symptomatic hyperkalemia

Dosage Guidelines

  • Hypocalcemia:

Initial: 50-100 mg/kg/dose IV
Maintenance: 50-200 mg/kg/dose IV q6 hours or 8-30 mg/kg/hr IV continuous

  • Hyperkalemia: 50 mg/kg/dose IV (over 5-10 minutes)


  • SLOW IV direct by MD/NP or under direct supervision by MD/NP not to exceed 100 mg/minute
  • IV intermittent slow infusion over 30 minutes
  • IV continuous infusion

To make 50 mL of a 20 mg/mL solution:

  • Administer at a rate not exceeding 100 mg/min (5 mL/min of the 20 mg/mL concentration)
  • Central Line Prefered
  • Avoid scalp veins and ensure line patency

Adverse Effects

  • Severe necrosis and tissue sloughing may occur due to extravasation
  • Hypercalcemia and cardiac arrhythmias or arrest with rapid bolus infusion


  • Monitor for bradycardia and arrythmias when giving IV bolus
  • Incompatible with many medications including sodium bicarbonate (because of precipitation); consult Pharmacist for compatibility with other medications
  • Avoid extravasation: for calcium burns consider using hyaluronidase

Supplied As

1 g vial (100 mg/mL) 
20 mg/mL IV syringe prepared by Pharmacy

At LHSC, standard concentration reference charts are available on the NICU Intranet site


LexiComp Sick Kids, LexiComp Pediatric and Neonatal, Neofax