


  • ACTH stimulation test: Diagnosis of adrenocortical insufficiency (differentiates primary adrenal from secondary (pituitary) adrenocortical insufficiency)
  • Used in the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Dosage Guidelines

  • ACTH stimulation test: 30-35 microgram/kg/dose IV x 1 (Maximum dose 250 micrograms)


  • IV direct given slowly over 3-5 minutes
  • Reconstitution: add 1 mL NS to 250 microgram vial (Final concentration = 250 microgram/mL)
  • Discard unused portion of the vial after use


  • Required bloodwork as per PAED ENDO Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH). Neonate PowerPlan includes ACTH, glucose, electrolytes and cortisol prior to dose (Time 0), followed by cortisol levels drawn at 30 minutes and 60 minutes post cosyntropin dose
  • Send ACTH (200 microliter) in a lavender top microtainer on ice to the Lab

Supplied As

  • 250 microgram/mL vial for injection


Lexi Sick Kids, Lexi Peds