cyclopentolate-phenylephrine - CYCLOMYDRIL® (Special Access Medication) *

cyclopentolate-phenylephrine - CYCLOMYDRIL® (Special Access Medication) *

  • Combination product containing cyclopentolate 0.2% and phenylephrine 1% 


  • To dilate the pupils of infants for retinal examination

Dosage Guidelines

  • 1 drop to each eye; REPEAT in 10 minutes (approximately 60 minutes before eye examination)


  • Ophthalmic

Adverse Effects

  • Transient stinging of the eye
  • Administration may result in adverse systemic effects (e.g. inhibition of GI tract motility, urinary retention, tachycardia, relaxation of smooth muscle in bronchi and bronchioles, CNS stimulation)


  • Small infants are especially prone to the CNS and cardiopulmonary side effects from systemic absorption of Cyclomydril®
  • To minimize systemic absorption, apply pressure over the nasolacrimal sac for 2 to 3 minutes following instillation
  • Infants should be watched closely for at least 60 minutes for signs of vasoconstriction (pallor, blanching, mottling), tachycardia, increased blood pressure and apneic spells
  • The infant's pupil size should be monitored for 24 hours after instillation of the drops and exposure to bright light should be avoided
  • Post a “Protect My Eyes” sign at the bedside for 24 hours post dose
  • Feeding progression/tolerance may be affected for 24 hours post dose
  • Ophthalmologists will administer topical analgesia prior to eye exam

Supplied As

  • CYCLOMYDRIL® ophthalmic solution, 2 mL 
  • Patient specific bottles expire 30 days after opening
  • Pharmacy maintains a future use supply of Cyclomydril® -approval through the Special Access Program is not required prior to initiation


Lexi Sick Kids, Lexi Peds