Disclaimer to the Online Edition
This Manual has been designed for use in the NICU at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), London, Ontario, Canada, and represents clinical practice at this institution. The information contained within the Manual may not be applicable to other centres. If users of this Manual are not familiar with a drug, it is recommended that the official monograph be consulted before it is prescribed and administered. Any user of this information is advised that the contributors, Editor and LHSC are not responsible for any errors or omissions, and / or any consequences arising from the use of the information in this Manual.
Refer to the Procedure for Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs (CYTOTOXIC and non-CYTOTOXIC) and Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs Policy on the LHSC Intranet
- An antiviral used to treat congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Dosage Guidelines
- 6 mg/kg/dose IV q12h
- IV intermittent slow infusion over at least 60 minutes
- Ganciclovir is a cytotoxic hazardous medication
- Double chemo approved gloves, approved chemotherapy gowns and safety goggles are required to avoid exposure
- Follow guidelines for handling of waste and bodily fluids. Guidelines can be found in the following link
- Ganciclovir solutions are alkaline (pH approximately 11). If the solution contacts the skin or mucous membranes, wash thoroughly with soap and water; rinse eyes for at least 15 minutes with plain water.
Adverse Effects
- Neutropenia, thrombocytopenia
- Monitor CBC every 2-3 days during the first 3 weeks of therapy and weekly thereafter if stable
- Monitor urine output, creatinine
- Reduce dose by half if significant neutropenia occurs
- Discontinue if the neutropenia does not resolve after reducing dose by half
Supplied As
- 5 mg/mL patient specific syringe, prepared by Pharmacy