levETIRAcetam (Keppra®)

levETIRAcetam (Keppra®)


  • Managment of neonatal seizures

Dosage Guidelines

  • Loading Dose: 60 mg/kg/dose ORAL/IV x 1
  • Initial maintenance dose 10 mg/kg/dose ORAL/IV q12 hours
  • May titrate dose up by 10 mg/kg/day up to effective dose.
  • Dose limit: 60 mg/kg/day


  • ORAL
  • IV intermittent slow infusion over 15 minutes

Adverse Effects

  • CNS depression, fatigue, vomiting
  • Increased diastolic blood pressure,


  • If IV route needed initially, transition to oral administration as soon as able

Supplied As

  • 100 mg/mL oral liquid
  • 15 mg/mL IV syringe prepared by Pharmacy


LexiComp Pediatric and Neonatal, LexiComp SickKids