


  • An inotropic agent for short term use (less than 72 hours) to improve cardiac output by increasing myocardial contractility and decreasing vascular resistance
  • Treatment of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN)

Dosage Guidelines

  • Hemodynamic Support: 0.25-1 microgram/kg/min IV continuous infusion.
  • PPHN: 0.25-1 microgram/kg/min. Use as additive pulmonary vasodilator therapy in conjunction with inhaled Nitric oxide. Titrate as per MD order.
  • Maximum rate 1 microgram/kg/min


  • IV continuous infusion
  • For patients 2.5 kg or less: Use milrinone 0.1 mg/mL

To make 50 mL of milrinone [0.1 mg/mL] solution:

Add 5 mL (5 mg) of milrinone [1 mg/mL] to 45 mL of solution

  • For patients over 2.5 kg: Use milrinone 0.2 mg/mL

To make 50 mL of milrinone [0.2 mg/mL] solution:

Add 10 mL (10 mg) of milrinone [1 mg/mL] to 40 mL of solution

Adverse Effects

  • Hypotension, arrhythmias, thrombocytopenia,


  • Monitor blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, renal function, fluid and electrolyte changes and platelet counts
  • If excessive hypotension develops, the infusion rate should be decreased or temporarily discontinued. Concomitant use of vasopressors may be warranted in case of excessive vasodilatation causing hypotension.
  • Hypovolemia should be corrected prior to use
  • Avoid in patients with severe obstructive aortic or pulmonic valvular disease. 
  • Caution in patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction 
  • Use with caution in patients with a history of arrhythmia
  • Do not administer furosemide (Lasix®) via Y-site into milrinone solutions as precipitate will occur 

Supplied As

  • 1 mg/mL injection (10 mL vial)
  • Supplied as IV syringes by Pharmacy in standard concentrations:
    • 2.5 kg or less:  0.1 mg/mL, supplied as 5 mg in 50 mL solution
    • Over 2.5 kg:    0.2 mg/mL, supplied as 10 mg in 50 mL solution
  • At LHSC, standard concentration reference charts are available on the NICU Intranet site


LexiComp Sick Kids, LexiComp Pediatric and Neonatal, Neofax