New! Comprehensive Epilepsy Clinic- Windsor Location
Comprehensive epilepsy clinics (CEC) are specifically designed family centered clinics for children diagnosed with Drug Resistant Epilepsy (DRE). Around one-third of all epilepsy patients will continue to have seizures despite trials of two or more well tolerated and well selected anti-seizure drugs; this is called drug-resistant epilepsy. Children with DRE are often treated by specialist called neurologists or epileptologists. Dr. Hema Gangam, MD is a Pediatric Neurologist located in Windsor - Essex region and works in partnership with Dr. Andrea Andrade and her team at London Health Sciences Centre.
Drs Andrea Andrade and Maryam Nouri at Children’s Hospital, LHSC and Dr. Hema Gangam - Windsor have put together multi-disciplinary teams to create individualized treatment plans for each child and their family seen in the Comprehensive Epilepsy Clinics (London and/or Windsor locations).
These children and their families will benefit from the state of the art, highly specialized comprehensive epilepsy clinic partnership between Dr. Hema Gangam - Windsor Pediatric Neurologist and the team at Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). Patients may be seen in Windsor or London or both based on treatment therapies provided.
CECs provide advanced treatment options such as; ketogenic diet, new medications, and surgical interventions (epilepsy surgery and the vagal nerve stimulator). In conjunction with Pediatric Neurosurgeon, Dr. Sandrine DeRibaupierre, surgical therapies for well selected candidates are also offered to patients. Those who are offered surgery will be followed closely by the CEC teams in London and Windsor, as well as, the CHLHSC neurosurgery team throughout the entire process.
Track your child’s medical information and keep notes with our comprehensive epilepsy clinic passport