What to expect in your adult Pre-Admission Clinic (PAC) appointment

LHSC’s Pre-Admission Clinic currently offers telephone, virtual and in-person appointment types. Please note, you will only be offered an appointment type that is able to meet the consultation needs of your specific surgery

Why do you need a Pre-Admission appointment?

  • To help you get ready for your surgery.
  • To talk about your hospital stay.
  • To collect and understand your current and past health concerns, your previous surgeries, your medications and allergies, including drug, food and environmental allergies. You may be asked regarding specific allergies to tape, metal and latex.
  • To answer your questions and to address your concerns. Please note that nursing staff may need to redirect specific surgery questions to your surgeon’s office.

How do I make my Pre-Admission Clinic appointment?

  • Should your surgery or procedure require a Pre-Admission Clinic appointment, your surgeon will make a referral to our clinic, and we will contact you. If you do not receive a Pre-Admission Clinic appointment within two to three weeks of your surgery date, please contact your surgeon's office. 
  • To make, change, or cancel your appointment, please call:
    • Victoria Hospital Pre-Admission Clinic: 519-685-8500 Extension. 55960 between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    • University Hospital Pre-Admission Clinic: 519-685-8500 Extension. 33709 between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Please note: if you do not come for your booked Pre-Admission appointment, your surgery may be cancelled.

What will happen during your Pre-Admission appointment?

  1. You will speak with a Pre-Admission Clinic Nurse.
  2. Depending on your surgery, you may speak with one or more of the following:
    • Anesthesiologist and/or Medicine Consultant (Refer to Anesthesia and You webpage)
    • Blood Conservation Nurse
    • Dietitian
    • Nurse Clinician from the Acute Pain Service (Refer to Managing Your Pain webpage)
    • Nurse Practitioner on behalf of your Surgeon (if you are not seeing your Surgeon) 
    • Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist
    • Ostomy nurse
    • Researcher
    • Social Worker
    • Speech Therapist

3. You may have blood work, a urine test, an electrocardiogram (ECG), X-rays, and other tests.

4. You will be given preoperative and postoperative information about your surgery, which will be a guide for you before and after your hospital stay.

What should I bring for my Pre-Admission Clinic appointment?

  • All medications, patches, inhalers, drops, and ointments in their original containers.
  • All vitamins and herbal remedies and over-the-counter drugs.
  • Information or test results that your doctor has given to you, such as Holter monitor results, lung function tests, or sleep studies for sleep apnea.
  • Your general practitioners and specialist’s names and phone numbers.
  • Your pharmacy name, phone number, and address.
  • Supplemental health insurance information.
  • Your health card.
  • Reading glasses and/or hearing aids.
  • Pen and paper, optional, for notetaking.
  • A family member or friend, optional, for assistance and/or support.

Additionally, if you are having an in-person PAC appointment:

  • Funds for parking
  • Lunch, snack or money to purchase

What should I expect on the days before my surgery?

Some patients will be given special instructions to prepare for their surgery. These will be discussed and written down for you at the time of your Pre-Admission Clinic appointment. You will also be given a contact number by your nurse for any questions you might have before surgery. Special instructions may include:

  • adding, changing or stopping certain medications
  • bowel cleansing using laxatives and enemas
  • changes in diet
  • special skin washes

On occasion, some patients need to return to the Pre-Admission Clinic for further testing and/or assessments before being cleared for surgery. Your health-care provider will advise you.

You may be required to purchase medical devices such as thrombo-embolic deterrent (T.E.D.) stockings (to prevent blood clots postoperatively), neck collars, crutches, braces, and more. These may be purchased on the day of surgery at the hospital pharmacy and may be covered by secondary health insurance policies.

Helpful hints for your Pre-Admission Clinic telephone appointment
  • Allow approximately 30 to 45 minutes for the telephone interview.
  • Be available at the scheduled time; if not, please call to rebook your appointment.
Helpful hints for your Pre-Admission Clinic video appointment

In order to have a virtual video appointment, you must have the following:

  • An email address for the appointment details and link to be sent to;
  • Access to a fully charged device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) that has a camera, microphone and speakers;
  • Access to a reliable and secure internet connection or data plan.
  • For more tips and support on virtual care appointments see the Virtual Care page.
  • Allow approximately one to three hours for your virtual care appointment.
  • Conduct the interview in a quiet, well-lit area free from distractions that provides you with privacy.
  • Any communication aids you need, for example reading glasses or hearing aids

If you would like technical support including testing your device, learning how to join a session or practice joining a virtual video call please reach out to our Digital Navigator: 

Helpful hints for your Pre-Admission Clinic in-person appointment
  • PAC visits range from 1 to 5 hours, depending on your health and on the surgery you are having. Please plan your day accordingly.
  • Allow approximately 30 minutes for parking, finding the clinic, and registration. (Refer to our Maps and Directions webpage)
  • Registration will be done in the Pre-Admission Clinic (PAC). You will receive the location, directions and parking information during your appointment booking.
  • If you do not speak English, an interpreter can be arranged at no cost to you.  Sign language interpreters are also available. It is best to arrange for an interpreter through your surgeon's office or directly with the Pre-Admission Clinic (PAC) before you come to your appointment.
  • Take your regular medications and eat your meals as usual, unless instructed otherwise by your surgeon.
  • Do not wear tights, pantyhose or long underwear for your Pre-Admission Visit
  • We are a scent-free environment, so please do not wear any scented products. This includes aftershave and scented deodorant