Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre Patient Assistance Program

Cancer treatment can bring with it many unexpected expenses from medications to travel. We recognize that these expenses may create a significant burden for some people, even to the point where people may not receive the recommended treatments. To alleviate some of these burdens the Massel-Cruickshank Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Fund and the Gene Goodreau Patient Assistance Fund have been established at the London Health Sciences Foundation in support of patients at Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre.


Funding is available for emergency, short-term situations when funding from other sources and services is not available. Expenses incurred within 6 months of the date of the application will be considered.

Any adult who is undergoing treatment within the Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre and/or its affiliated South Western Ontario regional partner sites and who is experiencing a financial burden as a result of their cancer and it's treatment is eligible to apply for assistance. 

It is expected that applicants will have applied for and be making use of other sources of funding prior to accessing this fund. This may include benefits from the person's place of employment, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Assistive Devices Program, Community Care Access Centre and so on.

Application Process

Interested people should complete an application form. Applications are available in all Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre clinics, Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre Pharmacy, and C7 Inpatient Floor.  Applications will be reviewed weekly and follow-up letters outlining decisions will be sent to applicants following these meetings.

Completed application forms can be dropped off at the Patient and Family Resource Centre located in the Level 1 Atrium of the Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre or mailed to:

Attention: Patient Assistance Fund
Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre
London Health Sciences Centre
790 Commissioners Road East
London, ON  N6A 4L6

To access the Cancer Patient Assistance Program, please fill out the application form.

As often as possible, we try to arrange for vendors to bill Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre directly to reduce the patients' out of pocket expenses. When submitting to be reimbursed for previously paid expenses please provide original receipts, not older than 6 months.

Funding is available for, but not limited to:

  • Wig (up to a maximum of $800)
  • Other head coverings, when a wig is not selected
  • Prostheses (portion not covered by ADP)
  • Mastectomy bras (maximum of four)
  • Mastectomy swimsuit
  • Childcare during treatment
  • Respite care
  • Transportation (when volunteer drivers are not available through the Canadian Cancer Society or other organizations)
  • Parking (pre-approval required)
  • Equipment Rentals
  • Drugs (e.g., Trillium deductible, supportive medications to treat symptoms related to treatment)
  • Nutrition Beverages (high protein/high energy beverages)
  • Lymphedema supplies - portion not covered by ADP (e.g., compression sleeves)

Funding is not available for:

  • Private pay chemotherapy
  • Tests and procedures that are not funded through OHIP
  • Out of province travel for treatment
  • Living Expenses
  • Meals
  • Fertility Preservation
  • Transportation costs when 1) volunteer drivers are available through the Canadian Cancer Society or other organizations or 2) the patient is eligible to stay at the Residence Inn.

We are grateful to the London Health Sciences Foundation, 747 Baseline Road East, London, Ontario N6C 2R6, for administering donations to the Patient Assistance Funds in order that we can continue to provide financial assistance to those who are burdened as a result of ongoing treatment for cancer and its effects.  For more information on how to donate go to the London Health Sciences Foundation Cancer Care Campaign web page