Lead by example

Wearing a helmet will influence the choices of children and teens

July 27, 2015

London Health Sciences Centre’s Injury Prevention Program is joining the Southwest Injury Prevention Network in asking adults, and, particularly parents, to wear a helmet when cycling. 

“It is a common sight to see a family cycling together, but only the children wearing helmets,” says Jane Harrington, Injury Prevention Specialist, LHSC. “Children mimic the behaviour of adults and as they get older they too will stop wearing their helmets because that’s the example set by their parents. We’re asking parents to lead by example.”

Parents are concerned about their children’s safety, but with helmets proven to reduce the risk of injury by 85 per cent, they too can protect themselves by wearing a helmet. “A serious brain injury to a parent can have a deep impact on their life, and the life of their family,” adds Harrington. More information about the Lead by Example campaign can be viewed at theywill2.ca

LHSC also continues to participate in The Helmet Giveaway Program which outfits children and teens who come to the hospital with a wheeled-activity injury with a new fitted helmet. The Program is co-sponsored by Children’s Health Foundation and the Helmets on Kids Community Partnership.  

The Helmets on Kids Community Partnership recommends replacing your helmet when:

  • You are in a crash
  • You drop it hard on the ground
  • The straps loosen when you are wearing it
  • It has a crack in it
  • The foam is falling apart
  • If it is too tight on your head
  • It is five years old (even if it is in great shape)

These tips also apply to adult helmets.