Educational Objectives
- Become a competent Surgical Fellow in all aspects of potential and actual kidney transplant recipients care including: transplant assessments, patient care at the time of transplant and post transplant patient care in the transplant inpatient unit, outpatient clinic and in the community.
- Become independently competent at all aspects of recipient surgery including recipient transplantation, vascular and ureteral reconstruction, allograft nephrectomy.
- Learn all aspects of modern immunosuppression including dosing, side effects, and complications.
- Become familiar with ancillary procedures for technical variations of kidney transplantation, living related transplantation, pediatric en bloc, uretero pyelostomy, uretero ureterostomy, implantation into ileal conduits.
- Learn all components of recipient selection for transplantation, pretransplant assessment and care, perioperative care and long-term management.
- Learn the technique of percutaneous kidney biopsy and the interpretation of renal histology, including the diagnosis of rejection, CMV infection, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, recurrent disease, calcineurin toxicity and ATN.
- The fellows will be encouraged to carry out clinical investigation on mutually agreed upon topics, prepare the data and present the findings to the MOTP at University Hospital. They are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts to national or international meetings.
- The fellows will participate in the ongoing clinical trials of patients during their rotations and become familiar with the conduct of clinical trials, including the interpretation of results.
- Attendance at all MOTP Educational Forums is expected.
- For all MOTP supported fellows there is an expectation that a minimum of 9 months clinical service be provided by each fellow.
- All MOTP supported fellows are expected to attend Journal Clubs, plan and present a research idea and maintain their own log, as required, for AST and ASTS accreditation. They will attend Academic Half-Days and the monthly Transplant Journal Club.
Contact Information
Multi-Organ Transplant Program (MOTP)
London Health Sciences Centre, University Hospital
339 Winderemere Road London, ON N6A 5A5
- Telephone: 519-685-8500
- Contact: Dr. Alp Sener, Transplant Renal/Surgical Fellowship
- Email: