1. Bicep CurlTuck your elbow into your side. Slowly bend and straighten your arm.2. Should FlexionLife your arm forward above your head and slowly lower it down to your knee. Keep your elbow straight.3. Shoulder AbductionLift your arm up sideways above your head and slowly lower it back to your side. Keep your elbow straight.4. TricepsStart with your arm straight above your head. Bend your elbow to lower the weight behind your head. Straighten your arm above your head again.5. Sit to StandGo from sitting to standing. Use your hands if necessary. Slowly return to sitting position.6. Knee ExtensionSit with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your foot off the floor by straightening your knee in front. Slowly return your foot to the floor.7. Hip FlexionSit with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your knee towards your chest. Slowly lower your leg back to the floor.
Research & Innovation Through research, Dr. Lanius is advancing our understanding and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder