
A six month mentorship period is required for those entering practice in speech-language pathology. Mentorship is readily available through the speech-language pathology service by individuals with a minimum of four years of experience. In addition to fulfilling the obligations outlined by the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists, this period plays a vital role in providing an extensive orientation to the organization for the new employee.

The hospital provides a general orientation program, with additional on line training modules completed to cover areas such as, privacy, hand washing, etc. An information checklist specific to speech-language pathology is reviewed with the manager and responsibilities for disseminating information are shared by team members. Attempts are made for new employees to spend time with each of the speech-language pathologists in order to learn about their areas of practice and expertise. Observations in patient related areas such as, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiology, outpatient clinics and operating rooms are typically arranged.