Stop the Bleed

Be a part of our trauma team – stop the bleed and save a life!Stop the Bleed logo

Life-threatening bleeding can happen anywhere and if left untreated, can lead to death within 4-5 minutes. This can happen in a car crash, at work, at home, at the arena and many other places.

The Stop the Bleed program was introduced in the United States in 2015 and is a collaborative effort led by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma to bring knowledge of bleeding control to the public.

The Trauma Program at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) is offering the Stop the Bleed training program to businesses, organizations, and the general public in hopes of providing this life-saving education. The course runs no longer than 90 minutes in length and can be tailored to specific workplaces or scenarios. Attendees will be trained on the basics of controlling life-threatening bleeding through tourniquet application, direct pressure, and wound packing. This is done through a formal presentation followed by hands-on practice.

“We know that when bystanders are knowledgeable in techniques to help stop someone’s bleeding, the potential outcomes for the patient are greatly improved,” Alison Armstrong, Trauma Program Manager at LHSC.

Knowledge of bleeding control has applications beyond the hospital walls. We in the Trauma Program believe, that by providing this education to as many individuals as possible, the potential of survival in the event of traumatic injury will substantially increase.

For more information on Stop the Bleed please visit the Training | Stop the Bleed page.


Group Courses: If you are part of a group, business, team or organization that would be interested in this training, please contact us for booking details and more information. We require a minimum of 15 attendees to run a training session at your site or business. 

To book your group or for more information, please contact us at: 

Phone: (519) 685-8500 x77074
