The Period of PURPLE Crying - Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Program

Period of PURPLE Crying

After 50 years of research, the Period of PURPLE Crying program was created in 2007. It is an evidence-based program designed to help parents with new babies understand a developmental stage that spans from two weeks of age, until three to four months of age.  

All babies go through this period. It is during this time that some babies can cry a lot and some far less, but they all go through it.  

Program Goals

The Period of PURPLE Crying program was implemented at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) in 2008. The goal is to educate parents and caregivers about the normal crying characteristics that are common in the first few weeks or months of their baby’s life and the dangers of shaking a baby.  

The acronym PURPLE helps describe the characteristics of early infant crying beginning at two weeks of age, until three to four months.  

Graphic outlining what the letters in "Purple" stand for


P – Peak of crying: Your baby may cry more each week, the most in month two, then less in months three to five.  

U – Unexpected: Crying can come and go, and you may not know why.  

R – Resist soothing: Your baby may not stop crying no matter what you try.

P – Pain-like face: A crying baby may look like they are in pain, even when they are not.  

L – Long lasting: Crying can last as much as five hours a day or more.  

E – Evening: Your baby may cry more in the late afternoon and evening

At LHSC, the Period of PURPLE Crying program is delivered to all parents after every birth. It includes receiving an access code for an app and a 10-page booklet. Nurses on the Postpartum Care Unit and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit are trained to provide this education to each family.

For more information about the Period of PURPLE Crying, please visit The Period of PURPLE Crying® National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome website.