For Immediate Release:
March 21, 2011
LHSC is first in Canada to measure blood flow to the heart wirelessly
LONDON, Ontario –London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) is the first hospital in Canada to use wireless technology for hemodynamic evaluation, or the evaluation of pressures and flow in patient’s hearts.
“We used to require the use of bulkier machines to take hemodynamic measurements in the heart. Now we can insert a very small lead into the artery, which transmits information wirelessly from a small device that fits in the palm of your hand to a system that processes the information” says Dr. Shahar Lavi, interventional cardiologist, LHSC.
The information that is sent wirelessly compares the heart’s blood pressure to the body’s blood pressure. If there is a big difference, it signals to the doctor that there is not enough pressure in the heart, which may suggest that there is a significant blockage or narrowing of the artery and could require further medical treatment.
“The new wireless technology is easier to use, can be used more often and benefits patients because we can measure pressure and flow accurately,” furthers Lavi.
The information system used to measure blood pressure and flow has been integrated into a new catheterization laboratory recently opened at LHSC’s University Hospital and made possible by generous donations given through London Health Sciences Foundation.
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