Referrals to Additional Specialty Services

Referrals to Additional Specialty Services (Endocrinology, Bariatric Surgery and Behavioural Therapy) 

Managing MASLD is more than just about losing weight. The underlying metabolic issues driving the buildup of fat in the liver, such as diabetes or high cholesterol, also need to be effectively managed. 

If you have uncontrolled diabetes or significant cholesterol-related issues, such as very high levels, unresponsive to medications, genetic or familial cholesterol disorder, and are not followed by a specialist already, we can connect you with our endocrinologists who specialize in managing patients with obesity, MASLD, diabetes and cholesterol-related disorders. 

Similarly, if you have moderate to severe obesity with significant medical complications other than your MASLD such as diabetes, sleep apnea, heartburn, severe arthritis, or if you are unable to achieve substantial or sustainable weight loss with lifestyle modification and/or medications, you may be a candidate for surgical or endoscopic bariatric procedures. If appropriate, our team can connect you to an appropriate bariatric specialist close to your home, through the Ontario Bariatric Network.