
Weight loss has been shown to reverse fat buildup, inflammation and even scarring (fibrosis) in patients with MASLD. Our medical team works to help you lose 10 per cent of your current body weight through a combination of:

  • diet and exercise, 
  • medications, 
  • bariatric procedures, and 
  • behavioural therapies. 

If you are not overweight or obese, losing three to five per cent of your current weight may still be beneficial. 

Alcohol consumption should be avoided. If you are unable to quit drinking alcohol, at the bare minimum, you should limit your drinking to less thanone drink per day if female, or less than two drinks per day if male. 

It is important that any co-existing metabolic condition, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, be well-managed by your care team. 

Please talk to your family doctor to ensure that you are up to date on appropriate cancer screening, such as mammograms for breast cancer screening, or colonoscopies for colon cancer screening. 

Vaccinations will help protect you from suffering significant liver injury should you be exposed to these viruses. You are strongly urged to receive the flu vaccine yearly, as well as the Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and COVID-19 vaccination schedules, if you have not already done so. Talk to your family doctor about staying up to date on your vaccinations according to the Ontario Ministry of Health’s Routine Immunization Schedule.