During your appointment you will be seen by one of the physicians involved in the Clinic, and often by the nurse practitioner/clinical nurse specialist (a registered nurse with specific training in neuromuscular diseases). The initial assessment involves taking a history of the difficulties you have had, and the results of any previous investigations, followed by a neurological examination. Depending on the nature of the problem, further investigations may be recommended, including:
- Blood tests
- Electrophysiological testing (EMG and Nerve conduction studies)
- Imaging (including x-rays, CT scans, and occasionally MRI studies
- Muscle and/or nerve biopsy
- Examination of family members
Follow-up visits may be scheduled to review these investigations with you, and to recommend further investigations or treatment as appropriate. If it is determined you do not have a neuromuscular disease, where possible we will refer you to someone else who might help.