Visiting Hours

We encourage you to visit your family, however, the following guidelines will help us to provide the best possible care.

Visiting hours are flexible and are determined based on the individual needs of each patient and their family. Please speak to the nurse at the bedside to discuss your visiting plans and needs. By discussing your visiting needs with the bedside nurse, patient care can be coordinated to better meet your family needs.

Please be aware that there will be times when visiting restrictions become necessary due to patient care activities. Patients may be away for test, may be undergoing a sterile procedure or could be receiving care that requires privacy. Please be patient as we try to balance patient care needs with the needs of our families.

Please check in with the unit clerk or volunteer (if on duty) before each visit. This is important to ensure that the privacy of each patient is respected. 

If you are ill, please speak to the nurse prior to visiting. You should refrain from visiting if you are unwell.

During periods in the day when a patient's medical condition is being discussed, visiting will be restricted to individuals who are authorized to hear the patient's personal health information.  Patients who are able to communicate can tell us who they would like to authorize. If a patient cannot communicate, the patient's Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) (or delegate) is authorized to visit during these periods of time. 

Shift changes is an important period of time. Nurses and other members of the healthcare team are focused during these times on the exchange of critical information. Between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning and evening, nurses assess their patients from head to toe and organize their workflow.  To maintain patient dignity and allow nurses time to concentrate on these important activities, your family member's nurse may ask to have a period of time to complete these functions.  Please let your family member's nurse know about your visiting needs so that we can coordinate activities to best meet both patient and family needs.